This November my Christmas group workshops start!
They're always great fun and full of festive cheer!
Book ready for Christmas festivities! 🎄
Sunday 25th November 10-12 noon Christmas Garland
2-4 pm Xmas Tree Luminary
£30 per person Market Harborough | Leicestershire Adults & children welcome
There's 6 places available on each workshop.
Small numbers allow personal one to one tuition.
Cant make the date?
The following weekend there's 2 more great Christmas workshops to join!
Saturday 1st December 10-12 noon Christmas decoration | 2-4 pm Christmas Snowflakes
There's 6 places available on each workshop.
Small numbers allow personal one to one tuition.
Get in touch to book your place! :)
#november #novemberevents #november2018 #november2018events #christmasworkshop #Christmasdecoration #christmasgarland #Christmasdecor #Christmassnowflake #christmasdecor #christmasdecorations #christmasdecoration #christmastreedecoration #christmascraft #christmasactivity #christmascrafts #christmastree #christmas #Christmascrafting #Christmasactivity #christmasceramics #christmaspottery #potteryteacher #potterytutor #potterydecoration #pottersstudio #potter #explorepottery #pottersblog #handmadepottery #potterycourses #potteryclass #potteryworkshop #potteryblog #potteryworkshops #pottery #potteryactivity #handbuildingpottery #potterystudio #potterybusiness #potterystudio #ceramist #ceramiciststudio #ukceramicist #ceramiststudio #ceramicsactivity #ceramicistsblog #katherinefortnumceramics #handmadeceramics #loveceramics #ceramicartist #ceramicstutor #ceramicworkshop #ceramicsbusiness #ceramictutor #ceramicscourses #ceramicworkshops #ceramicstudio #ceramicist #ceramicsworkshops #ceramicsstudio #awardwinningceramicist #ceramicsworkshop #handmadeceramic #ceramicsblog #ceramics #ceramicsteacher #ceramicsclass #ceramic #ceramicscourse #ceramicseveningcourse #handbuildingceramics #christmastreeluminary #luminary #clayluminary #ceramicluminary #potteryluminary #garland #ceramicgarland #potterygarland #christmas2018 #snowflake #snowflakes #claysnowflakes #ceramicsnowflakes #potterydecorations #ceramicdecoration #ceramicdecorations