What a wonderful July, with such fabulous summer sunshine who wants to be working!
No matter how much I love my job I'm still enjoying sneaking off into the sun every now and again!

With news of being a finalist for the Stelios awards for disabled entrepreneurs 2017 still spreading, I was asked to come and do a talk to Market Harborough Rotary Club.
In the talk I shown photos of my work and told the lovely members my back story of how I got into ceramics, all about the Stelios awards and what I'm doing now.
I really enjoyed the talk, everyone was very welcoming and I even had a few friends come and watch from the Market Harborough Rotaract club which I'm part of.
I've met a lovely girl who has started a 6 week course with me over the summer holidays, each week I'll be teaching her something new. The first sessions have been full of inquisitive questions about what we can make and what we can play with.
The answer was and always will be yes! I can help you create that! and yes its possible!
Anything you can imagine I can help you create at my workshop, if you've got questions drop me a message!
Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd July I had an exhibition running at Lamport Hall. It took so much preparation to get organised for the event, I was last minute glazing and tying bows, organising leaflets and getting prints made.
Here's a snap whilst I was setting up!

Read my blog about the exhibition for a few cheeky snaps here!
My next exhibition with be held throughout the whole of September, in the shop Keals in Market Harborough town centre on Abbey Street, as part of Art Windows held with the Harborough Artists Cluster. Be sure to walk past and check it out!
Thanks for reading.
Feel free to comment and ask questions!
Katherine :)
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