So as part of the whole experience of being chosen as one of the 5 winners for the
'Stelios Awards for Disabled Entrepreneurs in the UK 2017' comes a lot of things to do and people to see. Ive met so many new faces throughout the filming and interviews, and so many more through email who I'm yet to meet, the next big event on the calendar it to meet Sir Stelios himself.
I'm travelling down to Kensington, London for a meeting with Sir Stelios in which I will be telling him all about my business, the workshops and the products, essentially pitching my business to him and a panel of people.
Its a daunting thought that I'm meeting such an amazing man, the amount he does for charity and to help others is inspiring, I feel very lucky to meet him and grateful for his generosity in selecting my business for his prize.

...After the interview its a countdown to the celebrations!!!
On Tuesday evening is the awards ceremony in Chelsea, London where the overall winner will be announced. There will be the video played that got filmed by Joel & Ann from 'We Do Stories' created of each of the 5 winners, myself included. I'll get to meet all the wonderful people from 'Leonard Cheshire' charity and from 'Stelios' awards, not forgetting the other award participants.
It will be a fantastic evening!
#london #Chelsea #Kensington #ChelseaLondon #KensingtonLondon #eastmidlands #Leicester #ceramicsbusiness #ceramicworkshop #uniqueceramics #ceramicstudio #ceramicscourses #ceramicartist #ceramicist #ceramicworkshops #ceramicscourse #handmadeceramics #stelios #studio #SteliosAwards #Leicesterartist #LeonardCheshireCharity #charity #disabledcharity #nationalawards #invisibledisability #lifelongdisability #soletrader #PhilanthropicFoundation #businessawards #easyjet #easyjet #businessowner #potterycourse #potterycourses #explorepottery #opportunity #potterybusiness #potter #potterythrowdown #Harborough #potteryclass #potteryworkshop #potterythrowdown #potteryworkshops #pottery #potteryactivity #craftclass #craftcourses #craftworkshop #crafternoon #entrepreneurs #SteliosAwardsforDisabledEntrepreneurs #disabledentrepreneur #entrepreneur #Stelios #SteliosPhilanthropicFoundation #Steliosfoundation #physicallimitations #leicestershire #marketharborough #Harboroughartist #preparation #disabledbusinessowner #disabled #disability #LeonardCheshireDisability #LeonardCheshire #internationalcharity #diabilitycharity #ceramicsclass #artclass #ceramicsworkshops #ceramicsworkshop #ceramicart #exploreceramics #abstractceramics #ceramics #ceramic #artstudio #artist #celebration #celebrations #interview #SirStelios #sirstelioshajiioannou #WeDoStories #prize #prizewinner #awardwinner #winner #award #businessaward #awards #businesspitch #pitchpanel #businessinterview #countdown #countdowntocelebrate