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  • Writer's pictureKatherine Fortnum

The press release is here!

I got emailed a few questions to answer and it took me hours to answer them, I found it quite difficult opening up whilst I was typing as even though the thoughts were only to myself I knew I was admitting to some very private thoughts.

I'm very happy with whats been written and I think its absolutely fantastic.

Here's the final press release which is being distributed nationwide by the he charity Leonard Cheshire Disability and the award 'Stelios award for disabled entrepreneurs'.

#LeonardCheshireDisability #pressrelease #pressinterview #press #invisibledisability #lifelongdisability #businessowner #soletrader #PhilanthropicFoundation #ceramicsbusiness #potterybusiness #opportunity #grateful #disabledbusinessowner #ceramicworkshop #localbusiness #ecstatic #award #SteliosAwards #Stelios #disabled #entrepreneurs #uk #businessaward #artworkshops #craftclass #uniquesculpture #studio #artworkshop #craftstudio #ceramicart #SteliosAwardsforDisabledEntrepreneurs #awards #potteryactivity #potteryworkshop #potteryclass #potterythrowdown #potteryworkshops #pottery #uniqueceramics #ceramicstudio #cameracrew #preparation #ceramicscourses #ceramicscourse #ceramicworkshops #ceramicist #ceramicartist #handmadeceramics #nottinghamshire #northamptonshire #marketharborough #leicestershire #disability #disabledentrepreneur #ceramicsworkshops #ceramicsworkshop #ceramicsclass #ceramic #ceramics #exploreceramics #fantastic #thankyou #SteliosPhilanthropicFoundation #Steliosfoundation #potterycourse #eveningcourses #potterycourses #illnesses #prepping #entrepreneur #article #pressarticle #LeonardCheshire #easyjet #easyjet #easyjetfounder #internationalcharity #charity #diabilitycharity #disabledcharity #nationalawards #business #businessawards

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