The busy months are just getting started, the workshops are flowing and new work is in a continuous loop - making, firing, glazing, firing...
Check out my online shop, its full of handmade ceramic goodness, there's lots of new pieces freshly added to the shop fresh out of the kiln!
P.S. There's currently FREE UK domestic DELIVERY on all mugs and coasters, including pieces that are seconds and sale too!

Evening course
This September my 8 week ceramics course started. I'm teaching 4 lovely ladies lots of different techniques you can use in clay and helping them create new things each week and also helping them broaden their knowledge and skill base in clay and sculpting.
Check out my next blog on the evening course to check out what they've got up to in 4 week chunks!

My last group workshop for the season (before the Christmas ones start eeeee!) was ceramics mosaic group workshop during September. It was an intimate class of just 2 and wow did they do a great job!
Thanks for reading this months update!
I'm very excited for next month as my shelves are brimming with brand new work, I've got some exciting test pieces coming up and some exciting workshop bookings up and coming!
October here we come!
Katherine :)
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