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  • Writer's pictureKatherine Fortnum

A month in the life of a ceramicist #14

I’ve just started a course with Freya, she’s visiting me for a group of sessions to go towards the creative part her Duke of Edinborough award. She’s done a small amount of clay before in the past but not much, I think she’s doing fabulously well with her making and even though she’s fairly anxious she’s got a hidden creative side which is coming out with each session.

In the first session we played with free hand building with a nature theme an in our second session Freya got creative making a lovely pastel yellow bowl with a lovely pattern.


My first group workshop of the year was this month, the ‘clay & sew bowl’ workshop. I designed a workshop where you create your bowl with me and then once fired you let your creative side out and get stuck in again with sewing. I can’t wait to see the finished bowls in all their glory!


Last month I started designing new large sculptural pieces and this month I got stuck in creating a big beauty that I’m so proud of, there’s one problem... I got so carried away in my creativeness that I didn’t measure if the piece would fit in my kiln... it did not!

Id planned at some point to upgrade to a new larger kiln so I could expand my horizons, it has just come sooner than expected!

It’s a large purchase but I’m very excited to see where this takes my business and the ideas for new big pieces are just going wild in my head!


I had a wonderful workshop teaching 3

generations of ladies, each of them varying in age and creative experience had different needs to meet and different ideas they wanted to explore, I helped them bring their ideas to life and we had

a fab time!

Such a pleasure to teach.


Katherine Fortnum Ceramics Studio April 2019

I’ve got another exciting announcement!

Early in May my workshop is getting an upgrade, I’m expanding! I’ve had this in the air for a while and now it is in sight I’m busy making plans of what I’m going to do with the place!

I’ll be able to teach more people so this now means as per many many request I can hold larger parties at my studio, it’ll now hold 8-9 attendee’s, I’m not 100% on the number until its finished but yay!

I’m making lists of changes to be made, rearranging, new things I need to buy etc. It’s a lot to organise but I’m so excited!!!

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