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  • Writer's pictureKatherine Fortnum

Evening course weeks 5-8

The evening course this autumn has been great, the ladies were absolutely lovely and couldn't have been more enthusiastic and not holding back getting stuck into their clay making.

In week 5 of the course the ladies learnt another new technique, building up forms with sculpted clay pieces, I like to describe it as decorative coiling.

They all made some wonderful pieces, the lovely patterns created all completely unique created to each of the ladies styles.

Week 6 I shown how to create a piece by joining together 2 pinched pieces, the ladies had a go with their own creative ideas mostly but they were very impressed with what they'd made.

Week 7 we finally had a full house as all the ladies could make the session, the atmosphere was buzzing!

This week on the evening course, the ladies learnt another new technique. Even though they were all shown the same technique the creations are always one of a kind 💙

Week 8 had finally come around, very quickly!

Another technique down we got our maths knowledge deep from within our heads and made some nets out of clay to create 3D shapes. The ladies did a fab job, its not an easy technique to master yet their skills have been developing week after week and they did a great job!

Heather was unable to join us for the final week but she was so keen on making her beach hut idea using the clay net she booked a one to one with me.

See below for how she did!

This years course has again been wonderful, very enthusiastic creative attendees with a willingness to learn and get stuck in! They each have an array of creative clay makes to be very proud of, as well as a chunk of knowledge on clay and techniques.

I cant wait for next years courses, I think I'm going to organise 2!

If you'd be interested ion my courses and want to get first dibs on your spot join up to my newsletter to hear about them first!

I'll be announcing them late December 2019 - early January 2020.

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