Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd November
I will be exhibiting some BRAND NEW unique ceramic artwork in Market Harborough town centre with the Harborough Artists Cluster.
Find us in the Old Grammar School, in Market Harborough Town Centre on the main high street from 10am-4pm each day
There will be an array of art work on display in a variety of medias, from painting to sculpture.
Work will be for sale so come and browse though unique Christmas presents!

#KatherineFortnumCeramics #Ceramics #Pottery #MarketHarborough #Leicestershire #Northamptonshire #ceramicist #Nottinghamshire #HandBuilding #ceramicartist #Art #handmade #homewares #sculptures #Clay #awardwinningartist #ceramic #artwork #November2019 #awardwinningceramicist #exhibitions #Exhibition #ArtTrail #ArtExhibition #HarboroughArtists #ArtistsExhibition #November2019 #ArtDisplay #SculptureExhibition #Leicestershireartist #ArtWindows #handmadeceramic #potterysculpture #ceramicsculpture #artsculpture #sculpture #natureinspired #natureinspiredart #natureinspiredsculpture #hiddenintricacies #intricate #intricacies #hidden #KatherineFortnum #christmasexhibition #christmasevent #christmasartdisplay #christmasartexhibition #christmasevent #christmasmarket